by Bunty | Mar 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
Potters work hard. As Bunty’s sister used to say, either you are breaking the ice on top of a bucket of glaze, or if you live in the Caribbean, tearing out your hair while you try to dry pots out while the rain pours down outside your workshop day after day. We choose...
by Bunty | Mar 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
“In the calm exile of work, we first learn patience, which in turn teaches energy and energy gives us eternal youth made of self collectedness and enthusiasm. From such vantage we can see and understand life, this delicious life that we denature by the artifices of...
by Bunty | Mar 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
Houses in Trinidad were built of clay and dried grass with a timber frame back in the old time days. Bunty and Rory were lucky to find and photograph some of these treasures before time and termite ants utterly destroyed them all. Bunty copied them in clay and added...